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the first one code naming being 13 fked me up for a moment XD

Yeah not sure if the RNG hates me or what because no matter how it try to fight the Scythe Girl the order in which i click my items fails and she just reduces my turns to 1 or zero so i cant even heal or use the body armor along with still shooting her to actually win :(

It's Not Rng It's Just What They Do They Spam -1 Turn So You Cant Win

Use ambush

(3 edits)

I created this account just to say how much I love this game. The art reminds me of Danganronpa and UI reminds me of Persona 5. 

I also loved how you implemented SCP lore in this game. 

The dialogue feels pretty unique for an SCP lore which was a breath of fresh air.

I also enjoyed how you play as an undercover soldier and how you're trying to maintain your cover while also trying to find who will cause the end of the world. 

 It's like there is 2 plots going at the same time. The animations are also a very nice touch

This is all super unique and creative.

 The combat system does require some getting used to since it has an RNG element to it so I would advise anyone who feels the RNG is working against them in a fight to simply restart the fight and try again and also remember don't waste your bullets on enemies until they drop their shield.

btw you should use SCP-173 is the creepiest SCP I read about 


The balancing needs some serious work.

The scythe boss feels brutally artificially inflated and frustrating, because she almost always reduces your own turns to only 1, boosts her own turns to like 5, heals all damage done to her, then deals massive damage that you absolutely CANNOT heal as fast as she dishes out - in large part due to the fact you had your 3 or 4 turns reduced to only 1 - even if you're using shielding to tank some of the damage she does.

To a lesser extent, this is also true for the more basic enemies you face before that.
You may only face two of them at a time, but because they keep lowering your already unimpressive amount of turns to barely anything - and they do so *frequently* - while also healing most damage done, once they're under 60 HP, it drags, what should be a relatively straight forward fight, out into getting boring pretty quickly.

On top of that, most of your abilities aren't explained at all. They're just icons you have to click and hopefully figure out in the middle of a fight.
A hover-over tool tip would be perfect in this case.

Game is currently too heavily balanced in the enemies' favor, making fights a drag, if not outright frustrating.

(2 edits) (+1)

The fights have RNG. The first time I fought the Scythe girl she wiped the floor with me but the second time I fought her she was pretty easy to defeat as long as you anticipate her strong attack that dealt 100 damage.

As long as you survive that attack and fight her aggressively without being too reckless with your health it should be an easy fight.

Also if you want to increase your turns then you can consume that medicine thing


Will there be any girldick?

(8 edits)


我是 SCP 和传说的忠实粉丝,但我以前从未听说过 SCP-2254。






why is this game so good so far


oh i was just looking at anomaly evolution yesterday, was wondering how i missed this game on you guys' profile, then i saw that it was published 12 hours ago haha

This actually high quality stuff. Gonna wait for more chapters though

(1 edit) (+1)

I need help defeating the Scythe girl, she is kicking the shit out of me right now

EDIT: never mind I defeated her

(2 edits) (+3)(-2)

I see options for sound sliders but have zero sound. Is that an error or is there just no audio yet in this game?

Edit: Nevermind. I no longer care. I hate the battle system. Good art and interesting story, though. Just not a fan of how much the enemies heal and block and crap. Drags the battles out far too much, especially with the slow-ass animations and crap. That and I am not sure if RNG hates me or what but I keep dying because the enemies seem to be able to keep boosting their turns and healing or critical hitting me to the point I literally cannot heal or boost my own enough to damage them before I die.  Happened on my second fight and with the scythe chick twice. Had her down to 30 HP and she healed to over 150 in a GD turn or crit me and killed me when I should have been able to kill her after her attack. Also, why if I pick the cookie first it waits to eat it until last I have no clue. Obviously, I am trying to prioritize healing so I don't die. Why make it heal last, after the enemy can hit me enough to kill me? >.< This game has such potential but the combat is a mess.

(7 edits) (+4)(-2)

Sound works fine for me.  Also kinda like the battle system , it requires you to strategize instead of just spamming attacks. the boss battles are really challenging.

The healing is not always done last , it's random I think

There is some luck involved but it sounds like you're the unluckiest man alive if you're suffering this much XDDD 

Maybe start carrying clovers around lol

Or rabbits tails or any luck boosting items I dont know but seriously you can increase your luck scientifically 

LOL It wouldn't be the first time. I was a game journalist for twenty years and whenever I had to play a new game with my boss and co-workers on X-box or Playstation, I would be the one to find every damned glitch or bug. Me and luck are not friends when it comes to games.


Lol, oh my god, please stop reinforcing the stereotypes.

You could've just said that you're slightly older, so you're not used to this stuff.

(1 edit)

Will all future chapters be available to premium owners?


Difference between premium and normal versions of the game?

Premium version contains the entire chapter 1 of the game :)
