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my fingers. i miss the person i was 15 minutes ago


just a warning, don't get any neuron generations early game, they remove cells every second

ugly ahh mf




We won, but at what cost.... My fxcking fingers

you can use a mouseclicker

Eu já vi uma paródia porno disso


you guys do know that there is a porn knokoff version of this right?


Uhhhhm. You sure this is not the sfw knock off prototype from the actual adult game the actual tentacle games released? I mean, sure, there is Day of the Tentacle, but usually, if there is tentacle in the name, I assume nsfw.

what's it called :


Things Dr Bright is not allowed to do:

what upgrades make me lose cells?


It's myelination. It takes your cells per second in exchange for neurons. I don't reccomend buying it early


I need help with something ever time i reopen the game it restarts me, could you maybes make it so i can save, or even be able to go to the main menu, because i cant even use the main menu button, evertime i leave the game it restarts my progres

There is now a newer version of this game, check the dev's games. This version is likely buggy as a result.

(1 edit) (+4)

I checked the TentacleGames website, thinking there would be other monster-based games like this one, and in a way i think i wasn't too far off.


I should've stayed away from the myelination button

Any plans for adding an achievement system, like with other clickers?


I don't understand, eventually I just keep losing cells after buying a certain upgrade

Am I just supposed to not buy it? Why doesn't it warn you beforehand or tells you that you're not supposed to buy it yet?


Oh sorry about that! 

The final game will have a "hint" feature and improved UI so you know what you're doing in the game. :)


maxed out all available upgrades :o) i like click fast make lizard lazy big. i'll totally play the full version!



would be ncie to know what upgrades DO

Yep it'll be an upcoming feature!~

(1 edit) (+5)

Seems to be possible to lock the game up if you buy upgrades in the 'wrong' order  - an upgrade automatically trades cells for neurons, and if you buy that too soon you immediately run out of cells, can't earn them as fast as they're used, and can't buy anything else.

Also, the game could really use a way to see what upgrades do before you buy them.


Second to that!

This should be fixed on the final game!