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How tf do i get rid of the purple things?? There are like 20 of them and they keep coming


click them


It takes over 50 clicks... And before I break it 2 more show up.




NO WAY We got Scp-1471’s Scpussy too!! Bro i am %100 buying this the second i get my paycheck

Damn it.That's sick!


Very fun game. A nice twist on the clicker with how you can loose if you arent smart with what you evolve 


u must have 10 iq

10/10 iq, yea

Hey, anyone know the amount of evolutions each SCP currently has?


whats the difference between paid and free version? i might buy the paid one if thats better

You cant get as far without paying. About 2 hours in you will not be able to evolve and see all scene


Thanks bro. I think ill just pay for the Scpussy. Haha get it? Scp Scpussy?

(1 edit) (+3)

If he wont reply ill do instead of him " haha very funny joke man, have a great time!"


thanks i came up with it outta nowhere

印度人会很喜欢这款游戏 就像他们强奸巨蜥一样haha




i bought this game twice and it gave me an error and gave me a code  P-22558086. am i getting scammed twice??

do not evolve the hard to destroy reptile because "It evolved sex appeal"


Can someone explain the difference between a beta game and a full one, what is blocked in beta?

What's the difference between the free and paid versions?

The free version is a demo, and the paid version is a full.

If you have trouble, you can use Game Guardian or Cheat Engine to make the game easier.Bahasa Indonesia:


Hello may I get a refund?, unfortunately the game does not work for me for some reason, the APK always stops halfway and fails on the download.

My phone version is Moto G8 plus 


can you make it on Steam PC on google download it it take one month to something to show on steam demo of the game just asking


do i have to pay for the full game

How do you see what evolution your on?




Тапаем ящерицу


I can't pay with PayPal if a developer sees this can you enable the pay with card option

or just download it i did that it may stop at point of how far it is so i am new here like 4 days ago play it it super fun but hard work learn fast so enjoy


A few things and tips for players.

I'm on a laptop, but the game keeps going even if I let the laptop sleep. So depending on your device you could have the game running all night for extra progress. Just be careful if you have neurons.

Speaking of which, for anyone wondering 1 neuron eats 3 cells. If you stay at neural proliferation with max gene upgrades, you will be gaining enough genes to counteract the neurons keeping you safe.

And I believe that morphogens aren't currently working. I don't see any extra cell production, nor do I see them eating neurons. However if they are working properly, the description should be updated so players aren't missled in their function. 


all my progress got deleted


What is the difference between the free and main versions?


Same question


Does my save progress over updates?


There needs to be a tooltip that tells you how much neurons are eating. Depending on your upgrade level, neurons enhance efficiency, but too far, and you die, and you can't reset EVER again, and you lose all your resets.

That seems a bit harsh. At a bare minimum there should be a way to restart and keep your CURRENT bonus.

I just lost 330% bonus :(

Okay I'm having a weird issue that once I hit 10b cells, I crash and lose my save?


Just a thought: Let us know that there are new animations, but don't show the previews, I like being surprised when I get to them, seeing them before I even play the game kind of kills my drive to even get to them.



100% percent this.

Is there even a point in playing when all you get of those scenes are shown here? Animation Gallery With Extra Steps strikes again at the heart of an incredibly promising game.

Actually make the sex scenes relevant to the gameplay, like influencing how she evolves depending on what phase she's in when the player fucks them. Maybe even a whole upgrade tier for that? A thought 🤔


Even with 2 auto clickers i can still get clapped if i dont get all easy level enemies on the screen so high ones dont spawn until i get my attack power up to 500k or so, almost at 300% too and it takes so long. At first it was nice, but even with autoclickers it gets tedious. It would have been good if we can get the previous unused evolution points to the next run. Please for the love of god increase the cell gain.

For some reason I thought that the game was made on Ren'Py, I wanted to disassemble it and translate it, I didn't even look at the "Information" tab, but it turns out to be made on Godot. It's not a problem to disassemble it and translate it, I work with this engine and do translation with another developer, but because of a weak PC, I can't put this engine back together.


How do I get rid of the thing that takes cells

EV 24 and up are pure nightmare fuel like I get it's SCP but if I did not see worse things I could have some nightmares

if someone asked how I get ev24 up to ev27 I cheated and I regreat that 


How'd you cheat??


cheat engiene

do you still have the sheet ? i so please link 


…this is shite

So as updated go on, will i have to restart after each one?


Hey guys, I noticed a lot of people in the comments were looking for help with some stuff, so I figured I would make a wiki explaining everything. Also, ive never made a wiki before, so please be patient as it is still a work in progress as I learn everything

Wiki Link:

P.S. Hello TantaclesGames, I just wanted to let you know that if you would like, you can feel free to fact check the information I put there to make sure everything is correct.

(I commented this earlier on, just re-commenting in case people need info)


is there a way you could make it if i tab out i still keep getting the cell things


Even with an autoclicker spamming clicks at a rate of 100c/s this is annoying and boring. Zero idea why people play these.

am i the only one who hears the Minecraft chicken sound every time i kill the bacteria creatures?



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